Science for Republicans
aka Common Sense Too
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Now you're a Republican.
Scientists used to be among the most respected authorities in the nation. Scientists promote peer-reviewed science to be used for the common good. Now politicians and political pundits who dominate the airwaves, promote their own selfish interests, trying to convince you that their agenda is for the common good and the other guys are idiots. This is like trying to put out a fire by adding gasoline. The outcome is science gets distorted, demeaned or ignored.

Understanding science so people can make informed decisions is an important part of democracy. Science for Republicans exposes the political playbook used to negate science while exploring issues that shape our future and lower Congress’ approval rating to record lows. Since most people don’t like to read about science, there is very little prose, but lots of drawings. It is easy to understand, along with a humorous touch.

This book is for Independents, Democrats and Republicans. Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and countless others would approve this idea. Laugh, learn and enjoy.
About the Author
The author, Sanity, is politically independent. He drinks lots of H2O, obeys the laws of physics and is grounded, but not electrically. He is tired of seeing science trashed by politicians. Science for Republicans is his first book.